Re: Stallman and enable-local-variables in bugtraq-digest V1 #64

Mitch Wright (
Mon, 12 Dec 1994 17:29:07 +0800

/* writes: */

>rms has said to me in mail that he "doesn't like security".
>Would that I (and others) had that luxury.
Just because someone doesn't "like" something, doesn't mean they don't
understand the need for it.  It's a shame anyone *has* to deal with it
at all.  I'd much rather *not have* to type a password when su'ing, but
the consequences of a password-less root are obvious.  I don't like having
to take the extra time to do it, but the alternative is even less appealing.

do svidanya,


#include <standard/disclaimer.h>
#include <speaking/myself.h>